Ho, Ho, Ho, dudes! Whether you’re celebrating the holidays in a cozy home or deep in the sewers of New York City, how you decorate is crucial. And in case you were wondering, Santa is a big fan of Turtle Power. Don’t disappoint the jolly man: deck the halls of your home with this simple holiday craft. It’ll impress friends and family and make Santa shout “Cowabunga!”
(Difficulty Level: Medium)
What You’ll Need
Tan Craft Felt
Red Craft Felt
White Craft Felt
Glitter Red Craft Felt
Green Craft Felt
Hot Glue gun with glue sticks (substitute Fabric Glue)
Red Yarn
Pizza and Holly Template (print below!)
Printer Paper
Double sided tape
Command hooks
How to Make
Step One: Print Pizza and Holly Template on standard printer paper. Loosely cut around paper “pizza” template and adhere double sided tape to back.
Step Two: Stick template to tan craft felt and cut out triangle shape labeled “tan” with scissors. Repeat 10 times.
Step Three: Using same template, stick to red craft felt. Cut out triangle shape labeled “red”. Repeat 10 times. Feel free to change the curve of the “sauce” line for variety in your pizza slices.
Step Four: Using same template again, stick to white craft felt. Cut out triangle shape labeled “white”. Repeat 10 times. Feel free to change the curve of the “cheese” line for variety in your pizza slices.
Step Five: Loosely cut around paper circle “pepperoni” template and adhere double sided tape to back. Stick template to back side of glittery red craft felt and cut circles out with scissors. Repeat till you have about 20 circles.
Step Six: Using a hot glue gun, glue red “sauce” felt to tan felt, aligning triangle points. Glue white “cheese” felt on top of red felt, aligning triangle points.
Step Seven: Scatter 3 pieces of “pepperoni” on top of “cheese”, leaving one to hang half off. Glue into place and cut hanging off piece in half. Use half piece for your next pizza slice. Repeat steps 7-9 for the next 9 pizza slices.
Step Eight: Loosely cut around paper “holly” template and adhere double sided tape to back. Stick template to green craft felt and cut out with scissors. Repeat 11 times.
Step Nine: Loosely cut around paper circle “holly berry” templates and adhere double sided tape to back. Stick template to back of glittery red craft felt and cut circles out with scissors. Repeat till you have about 33 circles.
Step Ten: Unwind and cut three 6 foot strands of red yarn from yarn spool. Make a loop on one end and secure with a knot. Trim any knot “tails” off with scissors. Braid yarn together, leaving 8 inches at end to loop and secure with knot. Trim any knot “tails” off with scissors. Fold braided yarn in half to find the middle of the length.
Step Eleven: Lay one assembled pizza slice face down on work surface. Place middle of yarn braid on “crust” and fold over “crust” as indicated on dashed line of template. Use hot gun to secure in place.
Step Twelve: On both sides of center slice, add holly leaves with a 1.25” space between. Fold holly leaf around braided yarn and secure with a dot of hot glue. Add 3 holly berries to each set of holly leaves, adhering with hot glue.
Step Thirteen: Repeat, attaching pizza slices and holly to braided yarn, with a 1.25” space between all pieces, working from the center out.
Once all pizza slices and holly is attached, hang on wall with command hooks and shout “Booyakasha!”