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By Age

Tips & Tricks! Play TMNT: Splintered Fate Like a Pro

A gamer’s guide to playing the Apple Arcade game, TURTLE STYLE!

Mikey, Raph, Donnie and Leo pose. Play TMNT: Splintered Fate

When Splinter gets kidnapped via teleportation by Shredder and his goons, Leo, Mikey, Donnie and Raph band together to get him back to safety. Get ready to battle it out with a series of increasingly difficult bosses, explore iconic NYC scenery, and best of all? Play now with multiple members of your family at the same time! 

Haven’t played TMNT: Splintered Fate yet? Here are seven reasons you and your family should play! Otherwise, read on for top tips and tricks for playing the game like a pro! 



Wanna know how to play MULTI-PLAYER? Let’s get into it, dudes.

If you’re already game center friends, you can select “multiplayer” from the home screen and have all your friends (mutant or otherwise) join that way! If you aren’t game center friends, no worries: Select “multiplayer” and then ”create co-op.”  Once you’re in, you can tap one of the available circles in the upper left corner. You will then be able to share the game link with your friends. 

High three! But remember, even mutants must have the game installed to be able to play.



Don’t be afraid to load up on dash. The game’s creators say the BEST thing a player can do early on is grabbing that second charge of dash from the Dragon upgrade station in your home lair. 



If you or your kids have played the game before, you’ll remember that you collect Dragon and Dreamer coins with every run. The more you play, the more coins you’ll collect! 

The best advice we can give you? Keep an eye on the Dragon/Dreamer upgrades you can afford in your base after each run, they’ll make a HUGE difference as you reach new levels and challenges. 



Looking to play with speed and agility? Leo’s got a special skill that allows him to move seamlessly along the game map. Like to quickly clear out the smaller enemies? Combine Raph’s Turtle Line tool with his attack ability for huge AOE damage. 

Each turtle has their own strengths, and each come with their own advantages – why not try ‘em all on for size? The gamer in your house may be a Leo sun, Mikey moon, and a Donnie rising – but make sure to encourage them to also play as Raph every now and then, just to get a sense of each turtle’s special skills!



Peanut butter and jelly, ketchup and mustard, Spongebob and Patrick – what do these things have in common? They’re all EXCELLENT combinations! We highly recommend encouraging the gamers in your household to experiment with LOTS of turtle power combinations. You may just find some surprisingly powerful combos!



Each turtle starts with 3 inspiration powers at the start of each run. Don’t forget to use ‘em! Once you’ve reached Karai’s level and beaten them, you can upgrade those inspo powers to some pretty AWESOME stuff! 

We hope these tips and tricks help your family get the absolute MOST out of TMNT: Splintered Fate…the best invention since sliced pizza! Download the game from Apple Arcade here.

Grab the turtles, rats, and humans in your house who are twelve or older and team up against some of TMNT’s most fearsome foes, together. Happy gaming, and COWABUNGA!
