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Shimmer and Shine Teeth Brushing Chart

Get your kids' teeth to sparkle with the help of Shimmer and Shine.

Shimmer and Shine Teeth Brushing Chart

Do you need help motivating your preschooler to make their teeth to shimmer and shine? This  printable Shimmer and Shine teeth brushing chart is sure to work like magic.

Simply hang the chart next to the mirror or keep it dry in a sink drawer. During your nightly routine, have kids brush away with their favorite genie twin toothbrush and toothpaste until their teeth are sparkly clean. Once finished, you and your child can draw an “ex” together in the correct box on the chart.

And teeth cleaning isn’t the only healthy habit that could use a little magic! Shimmer and Shine band aids will take care of the rest of your child’s health and wellness needs. Place a band aid on at cup or scrape, and Boom Zahramay! Your child is brushed up, healed up, and ready to take on the world.

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