Shimmer and Shine, sparkle divine!
Making Shimmer and Shine genie gem crayons is a great way to put a fresh spin on coloring. Children can tap into their inner chemist as you remold wax into a zahr-mazing creation together. Then, kids can put their creation to the test!
What You’ll Need
Crayons in pink, purple, and teal
Gem mold (available at your local craft store!)
How To Make
Step One: Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.
Step Two: Have kids help break the crayons into pea-size pieces.
Step Three: Coat the inside of the mold with glitter. Then place the crayons into the mold.
Step Four: Bake just until the wax has melted, about 15 to 20 minutes.
Step Five: Remove the shapes after they have cooled. If they stick, place the tray in the freezer for an hour so the crayons pop out more easily.
Step Six: Have you child test their new creations with Shimmer and Shine printable coloring sheets for hours of glitter-filled fun!