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Plan a Shimmer and Shine Sleepover!

Parents and even grandparents can create a magical, genie sleepover experience.

Shimmer and Shine Sleepover Party

Will all the daily hustle and bustle, it can be a challenge to plan quality family time, ahead of time. This week, why not take a step back and plan a memorable night with your children or grandchildren and their favorite twin genies! Here’s everything you’ll need to create the ultimate Shimmer and Shine family sleepover party:

Step One: Play Together
Begin the evening with play time! Print these teenie genie paper dolls on heavyweight paper, cut, and start mixing and matching hairstyles and outfits. Compare your little one’s “genie style” with your own and celebrate your uniqueness!

Shimmer and Shine Paper Dolls

Step Two: Make Together
Remember when Shimmer, Shine, and Leah tried to make popcorn in “Lights! Camera! Genies!”? Talk about a #KitchenFail! Teach your kids to experiment–and even make mistakes–by making purple popcorn together. Just melt your favorite candy melt brand in the microwave and toss with your favorite bag of popcorn. Set in the fridge to harden for ~30 min., then serve it up  in your Shimmer and Shine popcorn holders at movie time!

Shimmer and Shine Sleepover Party

Step Three: Watch Together
Next, pop in the new Shimmer and Shine DVD so everyone can catch up on your kid’s favorite season-one episodes.

Shimmer and Shine Sleepover Party

Step Four: Read Together
Are you all totally pooped out yet? After bath time, cap off the night with a special bedtime story: one of our Shimmer and Shine storybooks like The Sweetest Cupcake

Shimmer and Shine Sleepover Party

Don’t miss an all-new episode of Shimmer and Shine, “Sleep-over Party,” Tuesday, March 15th, at 12pm/11c on Nickelodeon! And check out more Shimmer and Shine crafts, printables, and recipes here.
