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PAWsome Puzzles for Earth Day

Play and learn about the colors of the Earth!


Over at Noggin, we’re celebrating Earth Day with Earth science and recycling activities for preschoolers! Make your own masterpiece with egg cartons or toilet paper tubes, and even create your own Earth orbit game. Together, we can celebrate the greatest planet in the Solar System as we learn through play, morning, day, and night! Access all of Noggin’s FREE learn-at-home activities, here.

Ready to celebrate Earth Day? Here’s a colorful activity to get you started! Print our PAWsome puzzles, glue them back to back (for sturdier puzzles), and then cut them out when the glue dries. Mix up the pieces and then help kids put the puzzles together. Can they identify the different colors as they piece the puzzle together? You can find the full “Colors of Our Earth” activity, here.

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