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Hatch a Plan to Make Paw Patrol Dino Eggs

Grow, freeze, watch, wait and bring those baby dinos to life.

This DIY dino dig takes a little bit of time — so prep your kid about it being a two-day process. The eggs need 24 hours in the freezer before they can “hatch” — but in the meantime, you can make a baby dino nest out of some hand towels or a “Welcome Home!” sign for your new crop of baby dinos.

Don’t forget to tune in to a new episode of PAW Patrol Dino Rescue next Monday at 12/11c!


What You’ll Need:

  • water balloons
  • mini dinosaur figurines
  • food coloring
  • water
  • salt 
  • spray bottle


How to Create:

Step 1: Stretch open the mouth of a water balloon while your kid squeezes a drop or two of food coloring inside. Insert one dinosaur into the balloon.

Step 2: Carefully stretch the balloon neck around a sink faucet and slowly fill with water until they fit nicely in the palm of your hand. Don’t make them too big, as they will expand in the freezer. Carefully remove from the faucet, let out any air bubbles and tie. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for a whole nest of eggs.

Step 3: When placing in the freezer, lay balloons in different nooks so that they aren’t squished against anything and can keep a rounded form. Freeze for 24 hours. Once completely frozen, take out of the freezer and cut away the balloons, leaving the colored ice spheres.

Step 4: Help the hatching process by sprinkling salt on the ice egg and spraying with warm water. Watch the egg melt and hatch a baby dino!


Lovey-Dovey Pups
