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Mental Health Resources for Kids

A downloadable, accessible resource guide for parents of children all ages

These organizations are here to help. Check out the below resources for information on what mental health is, how to talk about it, and how to improve it in the lives of people you love. 

Print Now

An organization the provides resources, support, and community for kids who learn and think differently

American Academy of Pediatrics 

Resources for kids, families and professionals. Their official Parent website houses information for kids from birth to 21 years old.

American Psychological Association

Guides on many differing topics from picking a psychologist, the impacts of racism and immigration, bullying, ADHD and more.


Resources to support the mental health of its members, including hosting multiple events that are focused on mental health.


Behavioral health care for children and family and is offering practical tips for parents who are struggling to maintain their kid’s mental wellbeing in the midst of the pandemic, such as 6 Tips to Help Your Kids Cope with Anxiety and Stress.

Connor’s Climb Mental Health Action Plan

This free card normalizes talking to your family or guardians about mental health, as well as taking action by creating a family action plan for mental health occurrences.

Hathaway-Sycamores Child and Family Services

A mental health and welfare agency with locations in Southern California

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Free resources, information, videos, events, and support for kids and families.

National Federation of Families

Free videos, toolkits and activities to use at home and more to support parents and caregivers and their children.

Parents Together

A fact-checked news source for parents providing free resources on a wide range of topics that effect kids and parents with tips on how to navigate these issues.

Too Small to Fail

Resources to promote Social Emotional skills from birth.



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