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Get Outside Already!

8 craft ideas for sunnier weather.

Spring has sprung — and so have some good ideas for outdoor fun.

Take Flight

Build your own butterfly habitat and learn how to attract butterflies in your own backyard.

Extend playtime: Read about butterflies by taking some books out of the library and researching online. Plant a butterfly vine to attract various flutterers to your backyard or window box.

Make a Butterfly Habitat

Reach for the Skies

You’ll want clear skies and a nice breeze to launch these cute, homemade recycled kites high up in the air. It’s a great indoor project that ends with running around the great outdoors!

Extend playtime: Make cloud art with paper, paint, and straws. (It’s messy, so take it outside!) Pour small amounts of paint on sturdy paper and have children use the straws to blow the paint around.

Plant Roots

Paint pots featuring your child’s favorite Nick Jr. friends.

Extend playtime: Make homemade seed bombs. Combine tiny bits of construction paper and water in a food processor to create pulp. Gently mix in seeds, form into balls, and let dry in the sun for the day.

Nick Jr. Springtime Flower Pots

Take Out the Trash

Turn scraps of garbage into organic treasure when you make your own composting bin.

Extend playtime: Read up on worms, fungus, and other fun stuff that turns trash into organic treasure. Make an illustrated chart of dos and don’ts for the compost bin.


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Black History Month