Now your little one can wear their very own genie bottle around their neck, just like Leah! This easy activity is perfect for a Shimmer-and-Shine-themed birthday party, and you can find the supplies at any birthday or craft supply store.
Using a funnel, help your little one layer different colors of sand into a small glass vial. Then secure the bottle with a cork, screw an eye hook into the cork, and thread with a string to secure around the neck! Try using the colors of your child’s favorite friends from Zahramay Falls:
Shimmer: pink and purple
Shine: blue and turquoise
Nahal: white and purple
Tala: yellow and purple
Make your child’s birthday shine even brighter by joining the Nickelodeon Birthday Club and setting up a personalized phone call from Shimmer and Shine themselves (or one of 10 additional characters). It’s free and easy!