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DIY Blue’s Clues & You! Sensory Bin

This icy sensory bin will get kids clued in to playing and learning with Blue!

Kids love to experiment and explore. This DIY Blue’s Clues & You! sensory bin is an easy way to channel their curiosity into play time.

What We’ll Need:

  • Small age appropriate toys
  • Large ice cube tray
  • A Shovel and Pail
  • Colored Pens (red and yellow if you have them)
  • Warm water
  • Pink & blue food colorings

Step 1: Mix food coloring with water to create pink and blue water.


Step 2: Place toys in ice cube trays and fill with colored water.


Step 3: Store in freezer until frozen.


Step 4: Decorate Shovel and Pail.


Step 5: Place ice cubes in clear containers (1 for Blue, 1 for Magenta)


Step 6: Fill Pail with water and pour slowly over ice.


Step 7: Use Shovel to mix everything up and explore your icy sensory bin!

Want more Blue’s Clues & You! activities? Check out our hub HERE.
