Ready for the movies? Make a cute DIY movie clapboard and get ready for action. (Grown-ups will need to help for this one, as some good, straight cutting is necessary.)
What You’ll Need
- heavy card stock (blue, white, gray)
- cardboard
- pencils
- glue
- scissors
- marker
How to Create
Step 1: Cut a straight line almost to the edge about an inch from the top of the cardboard.
Step 2: Glue the lighter blue construction paper down under the line you cut.
Step 3: Cut a rectangle the same width of your cardboard piece and about two inches tall.
Step 4: Glue down strips of the white construction paper equal distance apart and trim any extra off.
Step 5: Glue down to the top of your clapperboard
Step 6: Cut the striped paper along the cut of the cardboard
Step 7: Draw lines with your marker and add a place for the movie title and director name and GET DIRECTING!