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Easy DIY Handy Dandy Notebook & Crayon

With this quick and easy DIY, you'll have all your guests feeling ready to figure out Blue's clues!

Blue's Clues DIY Handy Dandy Notebook Craft


  • Notebooks that are at least 3” x 4”
  • Black Construction Paper
  • Blue Crayons
  • Tape
  • Glue Stick
  • Printables



  1. Print out pages & cut out notebook front, back, “button” and crayon wrapper. 
  2. Cut 2 pieces of black construction paper to size of notebook.
  3. Affix striped covers to black construction paper. 
  4. Affix button to the side that has a telephone.
  5. Wrap crayon wrapper around crayon and tape along the seam. 

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