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Hack Your Flashlight to Make Starry Skies

Transform any dark room into a starry spectacle with this easy DIY Blue's Clues & You! craft.

This Blue’s Clue & You constellation craft will create a magical room full of stars. Turn off the lights, snuggle in and look up!

What You’ll Need

  • Flashlight
  • Cupcake Liner
  • Rubber Bands
  • Toothpicks
  • Construction Paper
  • Glue Stick
  • Printable constellation stencil

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How to Make:

Step 1: Cut out the circle stencils from our printable and circles of dark construction paper (that are the same size) and glue them together. You can adjust to fit the lens of your flashlight.

Step 2: Glue onto the back of the cupcake liner and poke holes where the circles are on the stencil.

Step 3: Place cupcake liner on top of flashlight and put a rubber band around to secure it to the flashlight.

Step 4: Turn the lights off and point the flashlight to the wall to create a starry sky above you.

Go ahead and light up the room! Tune in to a pajama party special of Blue’s Clues & You! on Tuesday morning at 9/8c on Nickelodeon!
