Assemble these DIY headbands with felt, pipe cleaners, and easy-to-find headbands. As your guests arrive let them choose a Blue or Magenta headband– and be sure they get a photo by your DIY mail-time Mailbox!
What You’ll Need:
1. Felt (lagoon blue, peacock / candy pink, raspberry)
2. Pipe Cleaners ( blue & pink )
3. Double sided tape
4. Headbands
5. Hot Glue
6. Scissors
7. Template (see bottom of article)
How to Make:
Process for Blue (same as Magenta, but with pinks) :
1. Print the ears template below..
2. Cut around ears with scissors.
3. Place one ear on two layers of light blue felt and secure with double sided tape.
4. Cut around ear leaving a one inch tab where the ear will attach to the headband.
5. Repeat with other ear.
6. Line-up the cut ears with the headband, making sure that the ears are centered on the band.
7. Place a pipe cleaner at the center mark of each individual ear. Secure to headband by wrapping around the band. Bend the other end of pipe cleaner to mimic the general shape of the ear. Repeat with pipe cleaner for other ear.
8. Sandwich the two matching felt ears around the pipe cleaner and secure with hot glue around the perimeter. Repeat with the other ear.
9. Wrap the ear tabs around the front and back of the band and secure with glue. Repeat with the other ear.
10. Cut ½” strips of light blue/pink felt with scissors.
11. Using dots of hot glue, wrap the headband with the strips of felt, neatly going around the ear tabs. Continue until you cover the entire band.
12. Place the ear dot templates on dark blue (or dark pink for Magenta) felt and cut out the ear dots.
13. Adhere the felt dots to the ears on your headband with hot glue.
Sign up for the Nickelodeon Birthday Club to receive a personalized phone call from Josh and Blue (or one of 10 additional characters). It’s free and easy!