Every February, we honor the history and contributions of African Americans — especially notable figures like Harriet Tubman and Jackie Robinson. Kamala Harris, who recently made history by becoming the first woman, Black woman, and person of South Asian descent to hold the office of Vice President of the United States, is a new hero for the generations. Take time to teach your kids about these awesome Americans.
Harriet Tubman
The most famous “conductor” of the Underground Railroad helped enslaved Black people secretly escape to freedom. She dedicated her very long life (she lived to be 91!) to help people, especially women and the elderly. Because she is so appreciated, there is a movement to have Harriet Tubman’s portrait appear on the $20 bill!
Jackie Robinson
An outstanding athlete who rose to the top of baseball and became the first Black professional ball player allowed to play in the Major Leagues. He endured hostile fans and racist teammates while performing with dignity, grace, and stellar outcomes on the field.
Kamala Harris
With a long career in public service — she spent many years protecting the rights and safety of children — Harris is now the most powerful woman official in the history of the United States, and the first African American and first Asian American vice president. That’s a lot of firsts! But, as she likes to say, “Not the last.”