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7 Reasons to Play TMNT Splintered Fate

Whether the TMNT fans in your house are 12 or 42, they’ll love Splintered Fate.

Splintered Fate TMNT Apple Arcade Game

TMNT Splintered Fate is here! Download now on Apple Arcade.  

When Splinter is kidnapped by Shredder, the Turtles notice a series of mysterious portals begin appearing all across New York City. With your help, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael battle hard to save their dad from the clutches of Shredder’s Foot Clan. But watch out! As you and the gang get closer to Splinter’s otherworldly location, the closer you’ll get to an even bigger threat… 

Still need a reason to play? How about SEVEN, sewer-tastic reasons? Check ‘em out below! 

Reason #1: No Two Runs Are The Same

Thanks to randomized power-ups, shifting room layouts, and loads of boss modifiers, you never know what you’ll get when you hit start!

Reason #2: Play Together in Real-Time! 

Did somebody say multiplayer capabilities? Play in real-time with up to four!

Reason #3: Lots and Lots of Action-Packed Combat

Fast-paced, exciting combat scenes. You’ll find yourself battling and brawling it out Turtle-style. 

Reason #4: Play As Your Favorite Turtle

Whether you’re a Raph, a Leo, a Mikey or a Donnie, each Turtle plays with a unique set of powers and abilities. 

Reason #5: Show Your Kids the Sewers 

Ooze in the next generation of TMNT fans in your household! Get your kids excited about everyone’s favorite turtles – just in time for the release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem later this summer, in theaters August 4th! 

Reason #6: Take Your Turtle Powers Up a Notch

The more you play, the more you unlock! Learn and level-up your powers to become a master ninja. 

Reason #7: Show Shredder Who’s Boss, Together

Facing-off with Shredder can be a family affair! Grab anyone who’s twelve or older in your family and battle against all the classic TMNT villains. 

Long-story short, this game is perfect for you and the soon-to-be Turtle fans at home. Play now on Apple Arcade, just for the Shell of it! 


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