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TMNT Bento-style Raphael and Splinter Lunch Recipe

Lunchbox Dad teaches how to make a Ninja Turtle meal featuring Raph and Splinter.

TMNT Bento-style Raphael and Splinter Lunch Recipe

I grew up watching the Ninja Turtles and playing with the action figures. Because of this, it’s been a blast seeing my son do the same. Like most kids, I had my favorite Turtle. I have to admit that it wasn’t Raph. But, you know who loves Raph? My son. Depending on the day, he’s obsessed with either Raph or Leo. I don’t know if it’s Raph’s attitude, his red mask, or his weapon, the sai, but my son can’t get enough of him. If your kids are anything like mine, they’ll do anything for this fun-to-make Raphael and Splinter lunch!

(Difficulty Level: Medium)

What You’ll Need
1 Green apple
1 Red apple
1 Slice provolone cheese
Yogurt-covered raisins
Black edible modeling dough
Brown edible modeling dough
1 Slice of whole wheat bread
Peanut butter (substitute nut-free spread)
Shredded coconut
Pink sprinkles

Bonus: Print out this awesome Raph lunch note and coloring page created by Designer Daddy and send a special message along with lunch.

Print Now

How to Make

Step One: Cut a wedge from the green apple. Slice a matching wedge from the top half of the red apple. Insert red wedge into green apple for Raph’s mask. Cut two eyes and a mouth from provolone cheese. Place on apple face. Place Raph into main compartment of lunchbox.

Step Two: Fill in raspberries all around Raph’s head. Cut mask tie straps from red apple and place as shown, so it looks like the straps are coming from the back of Raph’s head.

Step Three: Fill side compartment with yogurt-covered raisins. Shape brown edible modeling dough into sai handle and shape black dough into the blade, as shown. Press both pieces together. Repeat to make second sai. Place both on top of yogurt covered raisins.

Step Four: Cut two Splinter shaped pieces from slice of bread. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just a face with ears. Stack pieces on top of each other. Spread peanut butter or nut-free spread on top piece. Press shredded coconut on to of peanut butter where shown to make the white fur on Splinter’s face.

Step Five: Cut raisin in half and place on spread to make Splinter’s eyes. Use pink sprinkles in the middle of the face to make Splinter’s nose, and use more pink sprinkles to fill in his ears. Fill second side compartment halfway with raisins. Place Splinter head atop raisins.

Serve this mutated meal to your kids. They’ll get so pumped with Turtle Power, maybe they’ll attempt to conquer the Foot Clan, or even better, clean their room!
