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SpongeBob Lunchbox Notes

Printable lunchbox notes featuring SpongeBob and Patrick will make your kid's day!

SpongeBob Lunchbox Notes

Optimism is contagious, amiright?! How many times have you found yourself deep in the midst of a 2PM slump when a co-worker’s random act of kindness lifts you up and sets you back on track? I know I’m not alone here, folks.

The school day equivalent of the 2PM slump? The pre-lunch sinkhole. Your kid’s spirits (and blood sugar) may be running low, but you have the power to put a smile back on their face.

When you want to brighten up the school day, you might as well send in the clowns: SpongeBob and Patrick. Print and cut these cute printable lunchbox notes and sneak them into a Bikini-Bottom-themed bento box. Patrick Star bologna and SpongeBob cheese sandwich, anyone? I smile just at the thought of it.

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