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Shimmer and Shine “Cup” Cakes

The sweet and simple dessert you've been wishing for.

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If I had three wishes, I’d wish for the three ingredients it takes to make these mini microwave mug cakes with a fancy twist!

In the Shimmer and Shine episode, The Sweetest Thing, Leah calls on her twin genies to help her make cupcakes. They mistakenly poof up an enormous (albeit delicious-looking) cake atop a tiny cup and it takes the three putting their heads together to make the day turn out great.

This inspired me to grab some adorable vintage teacups and test out an elegant presentation for a very fun food trend—mug cakes.

These little cakes are cute, super fast, and totally kid-friendly.

(Difficulty Level: Easy)

What You’ll Need
3 tbsp whatever cake mix you have lying around (we used gluten-free*)
2 tbsp good ol’ fashioned H20
1 tbsp apple sauce (healthy and delicious)
(Preschool practice for counting down AND learning to cook!)


How to Make
Step One: Mix all ingredients together in microwave-safe cute cup of your choice.
Step Two: Microwave for 90 seconds and Boom Zahramay! Your cake is on the way. Careful, it will be hot.

Once your darling dessert has cooled to room temperature, the real creativity begins. Grab your favorite icing recipe and your best little kitchen helper, and ice away. We used classic vanilla and sprinkle dots.

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Encourage your child to unleash his/her inner Shimmer and Shine and wish up some truly magical toppings for you to enjoy together.

Happy afternoon snacking!

*With the gluten free cake mix we used, this recipe happens to be gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free and vegan so it’s a great for crowds where allergies may be a concern.

Make your child’s birthday shine even brighter by setting up a personalized phone call from Shimmer and Shine themselves (or one of 10 additional characters) when you join the Nickelodeon Birthday Club. It’s free and easy!
