Oh Hannukah, oh Hannukah, come light the menorah!
Celebrate this centuries old tradition with your children, with the help of Nick Jr. Once you’ve crafted the menorah, practice the lighting ceremony together with your child using our printable flames.
What You’ll Need
White cardstock
Nick Jr. menorah templates (print below!)
Scissors or crafting knife
Double-sided tape or a glue stick
Blue paper
White glue
Glue dish
Craft knife
Cutting mat
Wooden dowels
How to Make
Step One: Make the candlesticks: Print candlestick and flame templates on white card stock and cut using scissors or a crafting knife.
Step Two: Apply double sided tape or a glue stick along white tab on one candlestick rectangle and roll to create a tube. Repeat with other 8 candlesticks.
Step Three: Make the base: Cut out a piece of cardboard and blue paper, 13×3″ each. Glue paper to cardboard. Allow to dry.
Step Four: With a ruler, find the center of the base, mark with a pencil.
Step Five: Pour a quarter size blob of white glue into a small dish. Dip tallest tube into the glue, applying glue to bottom edge. Stick tube to center of menorah base. Repeat with shorter tubes, placing four tubes evenly spaced on either sides of center tube.
Step Six: Make the flames: Cut 8 dowels to 7″ tall and 1 dowel to 8″ tall. Using white glue and a paint brush, sandwich one dowel between a yellow and orange paper flame, centering dowel on the yellow flame. Repeat to create 9 flames. Allow to dry.
Step Seven: Make sure your kinderlach (children) are with you for this part: Place tallest flame–the shamash–in the middle candlestick. Then, place flames into candlesticks of Menorah one by one, starting on the right side. Start with a single flame and add one more for each night of Hanukkah.
Chag Sameach. Now go eat some latkas!