Spring is in the air! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Easter crafts and recipes are beginning to crop up on Pinterest. As you start planning your holiday, make sure to add these adorable Nick Jr. DIY Easter eggs to your master list! Your preschooler will fall in love with our vibrant interpretations of their cutest Nick Jr. friends:
Finish Dora’s best friend with a blue pipe cleaner tail.
This guppy’s fabulous pink hair is made out of modeling clay!
Paint or color on Gil’s signature green tail spots.
Bubble Puppy
Who can resist that tongue and those floppy ears?
This egg goes half way into its stand to show off Bot’s belly belly screen!
A sideways egg closely resembles Geo’s helmet.
Pipe cleaner pigtails and flower decals make Milli super Spring-y!
Blaze and AJ
This AJ egg goes with his very own Blaze egg carton display!
Shimmer and Shine
Make Shimmer and Shine eggs, ponytails and all!
Watch more Nick Jr.! View the TV schedule here.